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About us


Business Law is an interdisciplinary field that in recent years has been incorporated into the course of studies of various universities around the world.

In 2019, the UDP Business Law Department was born, in line with the aforementioned global trend and seeking to articulate the different legal and economic disciplines taught by the Law School around a common element: business and its legal effects and economical.

The Department of Business Law also arises with the aspiration of becoming a pluralistic space for meeting, training and academic deliberation on the legal and economic aspects of business in a broad sense.

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To become a pluralistic space for meeting, education and academic deliberation where opposing views on the legal and economic aspects of business are expressed between academics, students, officials and the general public.

Disseminate knowledge, research and activities related to the different areas of Business Law, understood not exclusively as Private Company Law, but rather as Private and Public Business Law. Along the same lines, we are interested in publicizing the Company, private and public, including its legal and economic regulation, not only as a creator of wealth, but also as an important social agent.

Encourage business practices and regulations inspired by effective gender equality and the administrative and financial decentralization of the country.

Establish thematic and methodological links with the other Departments and Units of our School and University.

Facilitate the establishment of networks with other national and foreign academic communities, through joint activities and the signing of agreements.

Promote interpretative and legislative changes that may be necessary in the areas of Private Business Law, Public Business Law, Labor Business Law, International Business Law, Green Business Law, Business Law of Industrial and Intellectual Property, Banking Business Law, Tax Law, etc.

Sergio Antonio Alburquenque Lillo

Director of the Department

Pablo de la Cerda Merino

Commercial Law Teaching Coordinator

Fernando Araya Jasma

Part-time Academic

Carlos Briceño Sotelo

Part-time Academic

Andrés del Valle Valenzuela

Part-time Academic

Juan Ignacio Donoso Stegen

Part-time Academic

Eduardo Escalona Vásquez

Economic Law Teaching Coordinator

Pedro Pablo Leiva Olivares

Part-time Academic

Jaime Andrés Luarte Julio

Part-time Academic

Andrea Maldonado Benedetti

Economics Teaching Coordinator

José Ignacio Muñoz Solís

Part-time Academic

Alex Olivares

Part-time Academic

Estefanía Orellana Taibo

Part-time Academic

Rafael Pereira Lagos

Part-time Academic

Sergio Rengifo Arostegui

Part-time Academic

Rodrigo Ortiz Krause

Part-time Academic

Nicolás Tagle Swett

Part-time Academic

César Antonio Toledo Corsi

Part-time Academic

José Luis Ugarte Cataldo

Coordinator of Labor Law Teaching

Juan José Valenzuela

Part-time Academic

Bárbara Vidaurre Miller

Part-time Academic

Martín Andrés Vila Baltra

Part-time Academic

Gabriela Zapata Román

Part-time Academic


(Español) Antonia Duque

(Español) Ayudante estudiante

(Español) Manuel Sepúlveda

(Español) Ayudante estudiante

(Español) Rocío Vasconcello

(Español) Ayudante estudiante

(Español) Diana Venegas

(Español) Ayudante estudiante

(Español) Tomás Orellana

(Español) Ayudante estudiante

(Español) Makarena Daza

(Español) Ayudante estudiante

(Español) Isabel Garrido

(Español) Ayudante estudiante

Javiera Aravena Araneda

Teaching assistant senior

Paulina Bahamonde Lagos

Teaching assistant novel

Marcelo Figueroa Bustos

Teaching assistant student

Victoria Godoy Marchant

Teaching assistant student

Andrés Gómez Cárdenas

Teaching assistant student

Luis Marambio Mancilla

Teaching assistant student

Valentina Norrmann

Teaching assistant student

Francisca Torres Camilo

Teaching assistant student
